What is a copay?
A copay is an amount you must pay upon each visit to a doctor that is due at the time of service.
What is a coinsurance?
A coinsurance is the percentage of the bill you pay after you meet your deductible. Coinsurances can be in addition to copays.
What is a deductible?
A deductible is the amount you pay out-of-pocket for covered services before your health plan will pay for any services
What if my insurance company does not pay the claim?
We cannot guarantee that your insurance company will pay the claim. If we do not get a response from them within 60 days or if they deny the claim, then the balance will be transferred to you.
What if I did not know that my insurance pays for my eye exam?
We can give you a paid receipt for the services rendered and/or materials purchased and you can submit that to your insurance company to see if they will reimburse you. If we do not have your insurance information at the time services are rendered, we will not bill your insurance company.
What if our office is not a provider for your insurance company?
It is not possible to be a provider for every insurance company. If we are not providers, then you can take the paid receipts from your visits here and submit them to your insurance company for possible reimbursement.
What methods of payment do you accept?
All balances must be paid at the time services are rendered and/or when glasses or contacts are ordered. Copays and co-insurances are due at the time of service. Our office does not have a payment plan. Cash, checks, and all major credit cards are accepted for your convenience.